Category: Event

  1. Registration closes today 5 pm – MGSE Graduate Researchers & Supervisors End of Year Celebration Event

    All MGSE Graduate Researchers and their research supervisors are invited to attend.  This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow GRs and academic staff and to celebrate the achievement of our recently graduated GRs. Date: Monday 5th DecemberVenue: The Piazza, Studio 5, Kwong Lee Dow Building, level 5Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Please RSVP by […]

  2. STE Dialogue: Prof Tom Popkewitz & Prof Fazal Rizvi (Dec 12, 3.00-5.00pm)

    Social Transformations in Education will be hosting a ‘round table’ of informal conversations with Professor Tom Popkewitz (University Wisconsin-Madison) and Professor Fazal Rizvi (University of Melbourne). Professor Tom Popkewitz’s work is concerned with the cultural politics of education knowledge and its comparative reason and the social epistemology of curriculum, pedagogy and research as practices that […]

  3. NATSIHEC/NATSIPA Conference 22-23 November 2022, Melbourne

    The conference is open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students. It is free and participants can attend online or in person at Swinburne University, Melbourne. The conference does have a strong early career academic and postgraduate student focus, however, will also be interesting for those: looking to undertake postgraduate studies; work […]

  4. Toward Justice and Belonging in Early Childhood Teacher Education: A Moral and Ethical Imperative

    As part of the Global Childhoods Seminar Series, Professor Mariana Souto-Manning, from the Erikson Institute in Chicago will explore the commitment to pursue justice and foster belonging in early childhood teaching and teacher education as a moral and ethical imperative for the profession. Date: Thursday 1 December 2022 Time: 5.00-6.30pm Venue: Kwong Lee Dow Building, […]

  5. MGSE Graduate Researchers & Supervisors End of Year Celebration Event

    All MGSE Graduate Researchers and their research supervisors are invited to attend.  This will be a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow GRs and academic staff and to celebrate the achievement of our recently graduated GRs Date: Monday 5th DecemberVenue: The Piazza, Studio 5, Kwong Lee Dow Building, level 5Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Food […]

  6. Climate, Art, and Digital Activisms Festival of Ideas

    Melbourne/Narrm 21-23 November This is a free event bringing together local community members, interdisciplinary artists, scientists and educators in Melbourne for a unique conversation. The urgency of the climate crisis is bringing world media, activists, politicians, policymakers, scientists and educators together for @ COP27 in November 2022. Yet many people at home and in the […]

  7. Gender Equity Symposium

    Date: Friday 2 December 2022 Time: 9.30am-4.00pm In-person and online via Zoom Melbourne Social Equity Institute is hosting a one-day symposium focused on gender equity research across a range of disciplinary and methodological approaches. This symposium aims to bring together graduate and early career researchers from across the University of Melbourne whose work is focused […]

  8. Innovation in School Attendance: Local and International Perspectives (24 November)

    The Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) in conjunction with Deakin University invite you to join us for a day focused on school attendance with national and international speakers. With school attendance decreasing across Australia, a systems level approach that brings together practitioners, educators, researchers, policymakers, families and young people is required.  Our keynote speaker, […]

  9. Reminder—final registrations! MGSE Research Conference, 27 October, 2022.

    MGSE’s Research Conference this Thursday will be a chance to reconnect in person after two years as a whole-school community around our research activity, including a keynote and panel discussions that will help inform ongoing planning around our overall research strategy and agenda. The full program can be found here and highlights include: “Higher education […]

  10. Call for Participants (due 4 November): Sponsorship to attend the Peace Education Research Seminar, Hiroshima University, Japan, February 20-24, 2023

    MGSE’s INEI partner institution, Hiroshima University, has been hosting its “Peace Education & Lesson Study for Teacher Educator” (PELSTE) seminar series through its Educational Vision Research Institute (EVRI) since 2020. PELSTE2023 will focus on peace education, with the theme “Can we universalize the localized peace education?”. Discussion will be on how peace-oriented educational activities implemented in […]

Number of posts found: 134