Melbourne Disability Institute Seed Funding 2024 NOW OPEN

Applications close 30 October 2024 5:00pm

The Melbourne Disability Institute (MDI) runs an annual seed funding program to stimulate new collaborations between researchers from different disciplines and to build capacity across the campus in community engaged disability research.

Grants are aimed at small to medium sized projects at the discovery or pilot end of research.

To be successful, projects must address a topic of importance to people with disability, bring together researchers from different disciplines and must involve people with disability and/or their organisations in all aspects of the research process. We also look for projects that will have practical outcomes as well as a pathway to further research and funding.

MDI are look for projects that are:

  • driven by the priorities of people with disability,
  • have practical outcomes,
  • are interdisciplinary*,
  • involve strong partnerships with people with disability and/or their organisations, and
  • have a pathway to further research and funding.

*Please note, “interdisciplinary” means the project team must consist of researchers from at least two different faculties.

Applicants must have a salaried academic position of at least 0.4FTE at the University of Melbourne. Project teams must be led by the applicant, but can include external partners, graduate students, honorary or casual researchers. Project funds will be transferred at the beginning of 2025 and must be spent in the 2025 calendar year.

Applicants may apply for up to $35,000 for projects that meet our criteria. Weighting will be given to projects with a focus on working with First Nations or culturally and linguistically diverse people with disability, people with an intellectual disability and project teams led by early or mid-career researchers.

Important Dates

MDI are holding information sessions on Teams or in person to answer questions or discuss research proposals. Applicants can discuss their ideas, get connected with other academics or organisations who are interested in the topic or receive clarification on the application process and selection.

Drop-in/information sessions: 4,7,9 October 2024. Time slots are limited, reserve a session here:

Applications due: Wednesday 30 October 2024 5:00 PM

Applicants informed of outcome with funds allocated in January 2025: Late November TBD