Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) Grants
Closes: 12:00AEDT 25 October 2025
The objectives of the Council on Australia Latin America Relations (COALAR) are the achievement of:
- enhanced and strengthened links between Australia and Latin America in the priority areas of business, education, sustainability, tourism and cultural promotion
- a closer engagement between corporate Australia with Latin America
- an increased awareness and understanding of Australia in Latin America, and of Latin America in Australia.
COALAR’s Priority Themes
COALAR will achieve its objectives by directing effort and resources towards priority areas of mutual interest between Australia and Latin America. COALAR’s priority themes for 2024- 2027 in alphabetical order:
- Culture and Entrepreneurship
- Education and Research
- Environment and Energy Transition
- First Nations
- Mining, METS, and Resources
In 2024-2025, up to $300,000 is available for this grant opportunity for both one-year and multi-year (up to 3 years) grants.
Grant applications for a minimum $10,000 to a maximum of $50,000 per year will be considered. Please read the guidelines for eligible and ineligible expenses:
Council on Australia Latin America Relations 2024-25 Grant Guidelines [DOCX 275 KB]