Navigating Uncertainty: Your Heroic Journey. Workshop series commencing 30 August

Feeling uncertain and stressed about whether you are ‘good enough’ to succeed in your research career? The University can be an extremely competitive environment, with high expectations requiring enormous commitment and resources. Working harder and longer doesn’t always address the sense of pressure or constant self-questioning that leads to feelings of lethargy, despair, and harsh self-critique.

RDU director Prof Kat McFerran is now facilitating a free, 4-week online program with more depth and detail about creative strategies to gain clarity about your future and confidence about your current situation. Each week will focus on providing information and practice opportunities to work with creative strategies that provide a foundation for perceiving new possibilities, rediscovering hidden capabilities, and transcending barriers to full flourishing. Q&A time will be available at the end of each session.

4 hours, 4 weeks. It’s helped others. It can help you. More information including session times and content available here. Commences 30 August at 10AM.

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