NTRO Go Live – Automation of non-traditional research outputs is now available
The University of Melbourne is committed to valuing the breadth of research endeavor across the institution, in its various expressions. Scholarly works take many forms, and yet, traditionally our systems and processes were optimised to support journals, books, and conference proceedings at scale (where we have significant advantages with respect to the availability of third-party indexes and the widespread use of identifiers). We identified a significant opportunity to streamline the experience for academic colleagues, reducing their effort and improving our ability to profile the several hundred NTROs submitted to us each year.
Project objectives
The NTRO Submission Automation project aimed to improve the form submission process for researchers by simplifying the current form and automating the linkages between the form and UoM repository systems.
Improved the form and systems researchers engage with to submit NTROs while also improving the efficiencies for the Research Outputs team through automation and system integrations.
Incentivised researchers across the institution about their NTROs by making it easier to do so, and making it easier to access benefits, such as:
Larger file sizes (up to 100 GB)
Better discovery via Google
Facilitate scholarly citation of NTROs through digital object identifiers
Leverage data across systems including Elements, Melbourne Figshare, Find an Expert and the Researcher Dashboard.
For more information on the project, please refer to the Project webpage.