Research grants opportunities

1. Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program: Interlinkages and Innovation for Future Societies 

This Program invites proposals for research projects that ambitiously address the challenges of issues focused on diverse connections (interlinkages), including those of people with people, people with nature, and people with things/technology to design a new future.

Eligibility: CI must have a contact address in Japan and the project must be joint research conducted by two or more persons.

Value: Up to ¥8M (approx. AU$90,000)

Duration: 2 years

Friday 26th May 2023: Internal deadline for RIC review for content and compliance, 10 days before deadline (recommended)

Friday 2nd June 2023: Internal deadline for final review and approvals, 5 days before deadline (required)

Friday 9th June 2023: External deadline for applications

Applications are via the Toyota Foundation’s portal (registration required).

More information on this opportunity, including proposal guidelines, and samples of the application process, can be found here

2. Manchester-Melbourne-Toronto Research Fund 

The University of Manchester, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Toronto are contributing matching funds to support collaborative bilateral and trilateral research initiatives through a joint call for proposals. The overall aim of the MMT Research Fund (the Fund) is to encourage and provide initial support for the development of high-quality research activities that include Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Proposals must include at least two academics from each partner institution and must be led by, or include in a significant role, ECRs.

Duration: 18 months


  • 12K AUD from Melbourne to support Melbourne applicants;
  • 7k GBP From Manchester to support Manchester applicants; and
  • 11k CDN from Toronto to support Toronto applicants

Thursday 1 June 2023: Deadline for applications 

More information on this scheme is available here. Contact:

3. Ministry  of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Taiwan Fellowship 

This Fellowship supports social science and humanities scholars interested in topics related to the Republic of China (Taiwan), cross-strait relations, mainland China, the Asia Pacific, and Sinology to pursue advanced studies at Taiwan’s universities, colleges or research institutions.

Eligibility: Applicants must be foreign nationals at the level of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, post-doctoral researcher, or doctoral candidate.

Duration: 3-12 months

Value: Up to TN$50,000 to TN$60,000 per month (approx AU$2500 to AU$3000) plus return air fare.

Friday 16 June 2023: Internal RIC deadline for review of application content and compliance – 10 days before deadline (required)

Friday 23 June 2023: Internal RIC deadline for approvals and signatures – 5 days before deadline (required)

Friday 30 June 2023: External deadline for applications

Further information on this Fellowship is available here. Instructions on application requirements and process are available here.

4. John Templeton Foundation: Grants 

The Foundation’s vision is to be a global catalyst for discoveries that contribute to human flourishing. It supports research and public engagement that crosses disciplinary boundaries and challenges conventional assumptions.

Duration: Up to 3 years (5 years in some instances)

Value: Unspecified (budgets can include up to 15% indirect)

Friday 18 August 2023: Online Funding Inquiry (OFI) deadline

Friday 13 October 2023: OFI outcome announced

Friday 19 January 2024: Full proposal deadline

Advancement coordinates an internal selection process for this funder to ensure the most competitive projects are submitted. All enquiries must go through Advancement at: Further information on this opportunity is available here.