Book Launch – The Educational Turn: Rethinking the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

You are invited to attend the launch of a new book The Educational Turn: Rethinking the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

When: Friday 19th May

Time: 5.00-7.00 pm

Where: StudioFive, KLD

Please register to attend

Laureate Professor John Hattie will be launching this edited volume (Open Access) that captures a speculative think tank that emerged from within a faculty-wide pandemic project at the MGSE in 2020/21. The collection of chapters proposes how through a relational and speculative turn to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) created community and new opportunities for doing educational research while at home. Our school wide project sought to capture the paradigmatic shift the editors refer to as, the educational turn and was designed and developed to create space to reimagine the futures of education. This was strengthened by collaborative dialogues, innovation, and agility. The book holds a (re)turn to SoTL as an emergent next practice that created possibilities for new thinking, knowing and being emerged.

Edited by A/Professor Kate Coleman, Dr Dina Uzhegova, Dr Bella Blaher, & Professor Sophie Arkoudis and authored by MGSE and CSHE colleagues teaching and researching across education.

For further information contact:

A/Professor Kate Coleman |