2023 INEI Seed Funding Open

The 2023 INEI (International Network of Educational Institutes) Seed Funding Competition is now open for proposals. The Seed Funding project is a hallmark activity of INEI since 2015. Funding will be for 2 years of up to USD$10,000 per year (maximum awarded funding of USD$20,000). Two teams will be chosen to receive the sponsorship.

Please carefully read the 2023 INEI Seed Funding Application Guidelines as part of the eligibility criteria states that the research teams that apply for this funding must consist of researchers from no fewer that two INEI member institutes. Details of member institutes can be found in Appendix B of the guidelines.

Important Dates:

14 July , 2023 Submission deadline

25 August, 2023 Winners announced

1 September 2023 Funding period begins

Any application or inquiry should be sent to Ms. Chen Wang at inei@bnu.edu.cn with subject: 2023 INEI Seed Funding Application (or Inquiries) + your name.