GR Late Submission: Applications and Approvals
Late submission is only available for graduate researchers who confirmed their candidature on or after 1 January 2018.
Late submission can only be granted to graduate researchers by their faculty’s ‘Late Submission Panel’. A ‘Late Submission Panel’ must include a HDRC Faculty shepherd designated to your Faculty as one of the three to five panel members.
Approval of late submission will allow GRs more time to submit their thesis if they will be unable to submit their thesis prior to their maximum course duration and have:
- been disadvantaged during candidature as a result of research related reasons beyond their control; or
- been disadvantaged by compelling or unexpected personal or medical reasons that have arisen during their candidature.
The Graduate Research Hub Late submission webpage contains information for graduate researchers, supervisors and Chairs, about eligibility, applying for late submission, approval of late submission, access during late submission and thesis submission. Candidates who are permitted to make a late submission will not be enrolled and will not have an enrolled status in the student management system.
Note: Graduate researchers cannot apply for leave of absence during a late submission period.
For advice regarding graduate researchers with a confirmation date on or before 31 December 2017 please visit the Graduate research lapsed candidature webpage.