Welcome to our 2023 McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellow, Dr Mati Keynes!
Dr Mati Keynes is an historian and social researcher with expertise in teaching and learning difficult histories in settler and Nordic contexts. Their work integrates memory politics, intellectual history, and political theory to analyse educational responses to past injustices and legacies of violence. Mati has published widely on history education, transitional justice, curriculum, and educational history.
Mati’s McKenzie Fellowship project—Can schools reckon with historical injustice? An international, comparative study of education and truth commissions—will examine how school communities in Australia, Sweden, and Denmark are negotiating imperatives for truth-telling about their colonial pasts.
Combining critical, historical, and ethnographic methods, the project aims to co-design solutions that build educator capacities for coming to terms with difficult histories in place.
The Fellowship will be affiliated with Social Transformations in Education, under the academic supervision of Professor Julie McLeod.
Welcome to MGSE, Dr Keynes!