MERI Research Morning Tea – Exploring EU grant opportunities: Experiences of Erasmus teaching grants

Please join the MERI research team, Professor Nicola Yelland and Associate Professor Eugenia Arvanitis from the University of Patras, Greece to to chat with them about their experiences of applying for EU Erasmus teaching grant and how this mobility grant has supported greater collaboration across institutions and opportunities to share theories and pedagogies to implement Interculturality & Diversity in Education. Dr Sonja Arndt will also share her experiences in teaching in an International Masters program funded through the Erasmus program. This is an informal space to dream and imagine what might be possible for your research and teaching and learn from other peoples’ experiences.

When: Friday 29th July 11.00-11.45am

Where: The Dean’s board room, level 9, 100 Leicester St


Dr. Eugenia Arvanitis is Associate Professor of Interculturality & Diversity in Education at the University of Patras, Greece. She is the Students’ Practicum Coordinator at the Post Graduate Program “Intercultural Education and Mediation” (University of Patras & University of Nicosia). Dr. Arvanitis has Coordinated the RMIT Greek Centre (2001-2004) and worked for a number of divisions in the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (2006-2012). Finally, she has been involved in policy development for intercultural, adult, and immigrant/refugee education (e.g. drafting working papers and expressions of interest for major national programs funded by the European Commission through the National Strategic Framework of Reference and attending The Council of Europe, UNESCO and Salzburg Global Seminar expert groups on diversity and inclusion).