MGSE is seeking candidates to act as Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) to support and promote responsible research conduct and provide advice to those with concerns about potential research integrity breaches in MGSE and across the University. We currently have one RIA, Natalie Hendry, and we would like to recruit more RIAs for MGSE. RIAs provide […]
The ECR Grants program for 2023 is now open, with forms and documents being linked through the scheme webpage. All applications must first be assessed by MGSE before any application is submitted to RIC. Please submit your draft project description and application form (PDF copy generated in SmartyGrants) for review to by Wednesday 29 June 2022.
Congratulations to the following GRs as recipients of the Thesis to Publication Reward Scheme: Kenneth Burt Rachel Colla Narelle English Cristina Guarrella Ai Tam Pham Julia Hill To be eligible for this funding, GR applicants must complete a short application form via SmartyGrants here. Applications must be submitted electronically through SmartyGrants before 5pm on 15 December […]
We are very pleased to announce the following recipients of the MGSE Collaborative Research Development Grant Scheme for 2022: Dr Matthew Harrison for the project Creating the conditions for inclusion: Investigating optimal physical spaces for supporting neurodiverse staff and students Dr Mary Leahy for the project Women mentoring women: Workplace peer education in the superannuation […]
We are very pleased to announce the following recipients of the MGSE Seed Funding Scheme for 2022: Dr Hyejeong Ahn for the project Reconceptualising pedagogy for multilingual English speakers focused on their ownership of their language: A study of student attitudes Dr Alexander Bacalja for the project Critical digital game literacies and the senior literature […]
RIC will be hosting the 2022 Linkage Projects Information Webinar via zoom. In this webinar, RIC will provide a brief overview of the Linkage Projects, Major Eligibility criteria, and the submission process. A successful Linkage Project applicant, Prof Simon Bailey, will share his experience in preparing a Linkage Project application and provide tips in preparing […]
• Would you like to participate in a research project on teacher decision making?• Do you want to find out more about the research classroom facility in the Kwong Lee Dow Building?• Are you interested to participate as a student in a demonstration maths lesson in the research classroom while being filmed? The International Community […]
Melbourne Social Equity Institute invests in interdisciplinary and co-productive research that addresses social equity issues through seed funding and co-funding. The Institute is currently inviting proposals for its 2022 Seed Funding Round with grants of between $25,000 and $40,000 on offer. Successful projects will be: Community-engaged and/or coproductive, with a high level of community decision-making […]
You are invited to the June Seminar next Tuesday, where Professor David Goodman will discuss plans for digital HASS research support in the Faculty of Arts Digital Studio and beyond, drawing in part from an on-going collaborative project and discussions with colleagues at the University of Toronto Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI). Read overview of the talk and […]
Practical Industry Engagement (PIE) is a funded Early Career Researcher initiative powered by the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) Research Services Team, and is offered to ECRs in other Academic Divisions. PIE combines two networking events, three innovation training seminars and three pitch panels. By participating, ECRs will be able to better engage industry […]