Category: Ethics

  1. Indigenous Data Sovereignty seminar

    While this is an FBE seminar, academic staff from all faculties are welcome to attend.  Friday 2 September 2022 – 10-11am Registration essential: In this online information session by the FBE panel, Associate Prof Sally Treloyn, Mr Tiriki Onus, and Dr Matthew Storey will discuss the important concept of data sovereignty in terms of […]

  2. Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs)

    The University of Melbourne has a peer network of Research Integrity Advisors who provide advice about the responsible conduct of research and the University processes for managing concerns or complaints about research conduct. They are available to provide advice to potential complainants about the appropriate way forward (which may include referral to other University processes). […]

  3. DET update – all research in Victorian schools is suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 and influenza outbreak in schools

    The following notice can be found on the DET (Vic) website: “Subject to public health advice and operational guidance about external visitors to education settings, our Research in Schools and Early Childhood settings (RISEC) process and all research and evaluation activity in education settings is suspended in 2022 until further notice. The ongoing challenges of […]

  4. Research Integrity Advisors Recruitment for MGSE

    MGSE is seeking candidates to act as Research Integrity Advisors (RIAs) to support and promote responsible research conduct and provide advice to those with concerns about potential research integrity breaches in MGSE and across the University. We currently have one RIA, Natalie Hendry, and we would like to recruit more RIAs for MGSE. RIAs provide […]

  5. Human Ethics Drop-In Sessions

    OREI is recommencing the Human Ethics Drop-In Sessions. They are open to all research staff and students on the last Thursday of each month. Each drop-in session allows staff and students to discuss their human ethics application via Zoom and receive appropriate one-on-one advice on a first come, first serve basis. The next scheduled session […]

  6. UPDATE: Research is still suspended in Victorian Government Education Settings due to COVID-19

    Subject to public health advice and operational guidance about external visitors to education settings, our Research in Schools and Early Childhood settings (RISEC) process and all research and evaluation activity in education settings are suspended in 2022 until further notice. The ongoing challenges of COVID-19 necessitate this further temporary suspension. This supports education settings as they […]

  7. Department of Education & Training Vic & NSW suspension of research in govt schools

    The ongoing challenges of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic necessitate this temporary suspension until further notice. The Vic DET’s Research in Schools and Early Childhood (RISEC) Committee and the NSW DET’s State Education Research Application Process (SERAP) Committee supports education settings as they manage the increased workload related to the return to on-site learning. Please note […]

Number of posts found: 17