Alex Burns
Now Open: Woodward Medal & Marles Medal
The Woodward Medals and Marles Medals programs are now open for nominations – both closing Friday 7 July. The Woodward Medal in Science and Technology and the Woodward Medal in Humanities and Social Sciences are awarded annually for research published in the preceding five years that has made a significant contribution to knowledge. Each medalist […]
Building Research Teams: RDU Workshop EOI
The Research Development Unit is extremely excited to announce a new program based around building research teams, facilitated by experts from the Faculty of Business and Economics, Dr Victor Sojo and A/Prof Niharika Garud. Recognising the importance that teams play in research culture and performance, this new program is designed to take researchers through the […]
Telematics Trust Applications Now Open
Applications for the Telematics Trust are now open: Advancement are coordinating the Expressions of Interest University of Melbourne applications: If you are interested in putting forward a project for consideration, please populate this form by COB Friday 5 May. 2022 grantees are here. Please contact the MERI Grants team for further details. The Trust was […]
2024 Melbourne Postdoctoral Fellowships EOI Now Open – Closing 15 May 2023
The University of Melbourne’s Postdoctoral Fellowships Scheme is open for all Early Career Researchers who are University of Melbourne PhD Graduates or UoM Academic Staff who have a PhD conferred from a different University. The objectives of the 2023 Program are to: Fellowship applicants who wish to apply via the Melbourne Graduate School of Education […] -
William Buckland Foundation Enabling Education EOIs
The William Buckland Foundation is running its Enabling Education grant scheme. Advancement are coordinating an Expression of Interest process: If your project aligns with one of the impact areas outlined and addresses one or more of the priority outcomes, please populate this form by COB Wednesday 19th April 2023. Approved full applications are due to […]
Upcoming Philanthropic Grants for MGSE Researchers
Some upcoming philanthropic grants that you may be interested to apply for. Please contact for further details. National Geographic Grants Program 2023: These grants (USD$50,001-$USD100,000) focus in part on how to bring human ingenuity into the classroom and other educational settings. Advancement is coordinating an EOI process. The full application grant deadline with the […]
Spencer Foundation Research Grants on Education (Small)
The Spencer Foundation’s Research Grants on Education (Small) round opened for applicants on 2nd February 2023 and closes for full applications on 5th April 2023 at 12pm (CST US time). For this specific scheme, the Spencer Foundation will fund projects for a 1-5 year period, of up to $USD50,000 in total. The Spencer Foundation notes: […]
Ian Potter Foundation Community Wellbeing and Early Childhood Develop Grants – Opening Soon
The Ian Potter Foundation Community Wellbeing and Early Childhood Develop grant rounds will open on 6 March and close on 30 March. Advancement is coordinating an EOI process: please provide a simple outline of your project, with particular focus on partnerships and funding breakdown via this form by 6 March – and also let the […] -
Scanlon Foundation Community Grants EOI – Now Open
Applications are now open for the Scanlon Foundation’s Community Grants. In 2022, the Scanlon Foundation is focusing on community grants that build pathways to employment, and increase applied English literacy. Grants can be $20,000-$50,000 in size. Applications close on 16th September 2022. Advancement is coordinating the EOI process. For further details please contact the MERI […]
The William Buckland Foundation (Equity Trustees) Pathways to Employment and Housing Program EOI
Applications are now open for the William Buckland Foundation’s Pathways to Employment and Housing Program EOI. The Vulnerable Victorian Program will support funding proposals which focus on the alleviation of disadvantage and poverty for Victorians. Priority outcomes are: Employment; Housing availability; Transition from supported care. The William Buckland Foundation will support applications for $200,000 to […]
Number of posts found: 38