Work/Life Balance in your Research Career: It is possible?
Date: Monday 23 October 2023
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Provider: Researcher Development Unit
Theme: Career Planning, Leading and Supervising, Wellbeing
Location: Arts West 553 (North Wing)
Cost: Free!
Do you look at your senior colleagues and wonder ‘Can I succeed in this job and also have a life?’
Many of us wonder if it is really possible to achieve work life balance in an active research career. Many successful people recommend strategies and these should certainly become part of your approach. Some use a values-led approach that helps them make decisions about what to prioritise in a given moment and move forward without guilt or regret. There are also evidence-based validated tools that can help you understand how your personality influences what it feels like to be juggling multiple roles.
In this workshop we will work through these three dimensions and end with a call to action if you still want more.
Open to GRs, ECAs, MCAs, Senior Academics, Casual Staff and Professional Staff
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