Category: Professional development

  1. MERI Research Morning Tea – Exploring EU grant opportunities: Experiences of Erasmus teaching grants

    Please join the MERI research team, Professor Nicola Yelland and Associate Professor Eugenia Arvanitis from the University of Patras, Greece to to chat with them about their experiences of applying for EU Erasmus teaching grant and how this mobility grant has supported greater collaboration across institutions and opportunities to share theories and pedagogies to implement […]

  2. Detailed Assessor for an ARC application?

    The assessment of ARC applications was discussed at the recent Australian Education Research Leaders’ Summit. Informal advice from current and previous ARC College of Experts indicates that Education could do better in the way we provide assessments. For example, many Australian Education researchers provide formative feedback on ARC assessment reports, confusing applicants, and not delivering the […]

  3. Call for EOIs: Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation – up to $5M USD have announced their Impact Challenge on Climate Innovation grant round, closing on 29 July. Advancement is coordinating an internal selection process to ensure the most competitive applications are submitted. If you are interested in putting forward your project for consideration, please populate this form by COB Monday 18 July. want to support the […]

  4. William Buckland Foundation Enabling Education Grants

    The William Buckland Foundation aims to improve the lives of disadvantaged Victorians through grants that support better housing, health, education and employment outcomes. The Foundation’s Enabling Education Grants fund the following priorities: (1) Engagement; (2) Inclusiveness; (3) Teacher Quality; (4) Leadership; and (5) Pathways. If you are interested in putting forward a project for consideration […]

  5. MGSE Collaborative RDS Scheme 2022 Recipients

    We are very pleased to announce the following recipients of the MGSE Collaborative Research Development Grant Scheme for 2022: Dr Matthew Harrison for the project Creating the conditions for inclusion: Investigating optimal physical spaces for supporting neurodiverse staff and students Dr Mary Leahy for the project Women mentoring women: Workplace peer education in the superannuation […]

  6. MGSE Seed Funding Scheme 2022 Recipients

    We are very pleased to announce the following recipients of the MGSE Seed Funding Scheme for 2022: Dr Hyejeong Ahn for the project Reconceptualising pedagogy for multilingual English speakers focused on their ownership of their language: A study of student attitudes Dr Alexander Bacalja for the project Critical digital game literacies and the senior literature […]

  7. Models of Support for Digital HASS Researchers at UoM – Professor David Goodman, Director of the Digital Studio

    You are invited to the June Seminar next Tuesday, where Professor David Goodman will discuss plans for digital HASS research support in the Faculty of Arts Digital Studio and beyond, drawing in part from an on-going collaborative project and discussions with colleagues at the University of Toronto Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI). Read overview of the talk and […]

  8. Practical Industry Engagement (PIE)

    Practical Industry Engagement (PIE) is a funded Early Career Researcher initiative powered by the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) Research Services Team, and is offered to ECRs in other Academic Divisions. PIE combines two networking events, three innovation training seminars and three pitch panels. By participating, ECRs will be able to better engage industry […]

  9. Telematics Trust Grants – Opening Soon

    We are pleased to announce that the Telematics Trust grant round opens on Monday, 27th June 2022. Advancement are coordinating an internal selection process to ensure that the most competitive applications are submitted to the Trust for this funding round. If you are interested in putting forward a project for consideration, please populate this form […]

  10. Council on Australia and Latin America (COALAR) DFAT Grants – Now Open

    We are pleased to announce that the Council on Australia and Latin America (COALAR) grants auspiced by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade are now open – and close on 25th July 2022. The COALAR Grant scheme’s objectives are to promote people-to-people links and a contemporary and positive image of Australia, and support Australia’s […]

Number of posts found: 91