Category: Funding

  1. The Theodore Fink Memorial Seminar in Australian Education

    Call for Applications History The Theodore Fink Education Endowment was set up by Mrs Hilda Elliott and Mr H. Roland Fink in 1956 as a memorial to their father, Theodore Fink, who was the Chairman of the Royal Commission on Technical Education in Victoria between 1899-1901 and of the Royal Commission on the University of […]

  2. Post Award Finance Support (PAFS)

    Submit a request for post-award finance support for research projects, provided by the Post Award Finance Support team in Research, Innovation and Commercialisation. You must lodge a ticket via ServiceNow Post Award Finance Support  This will mean requests, rather than going directly to Kushani and the HASS-Research email, will be ‘ticketed’. The form is University wide as it asks for […]

  3. Open Access Publishing Agreements

    The University has signed several new open access agreements with major scholarly publishers. Under many of these agreements, authors do not have to pay an Article Processing Charge to publish open access. Each agreement has different terms and conditions so please read all details carefully as recorded on the Open Access publishing agreements webpage. This […]

Number of posts found: 203