FoE Disability and Inclusive Seed Funding 2025

We are excited to announce the launch of the FoE Disability and Inclusive Seed Funding Projects for 2025. This initiative is a joint funding scheme between the Melbourne Disability Institute and the Faculty of Education.

Opens today, Monday 16 December, at 12:00 PM

Closes on Wednesday, 22 January 2025, at 5:00 PM

To apply, please visit

To qualify, FoE Disability and Inclusive Seed Funding projects must

  • Driven by the priorities of people with disability
  • Have practical outcomes
  • Are interdisciplinary; * project team must consist of researchers from at least two
    different faculties, but funds will only be awarded to FoE staff.
  • Involve strong partnerships with people with disability and/or disability advocacy
    organisations; and
  • Have a pathway to further research and funding

Teams must be led by a Principal Investigator who must have a salaried academic position
of at least 0.5 FTE at FoE. External partners, graduate students, honorary or casual
researchers can also be involved.
Project funds will be transferred at the beginning of 2025 and must be spent in the 2025
calendar year
May apply for up to $10,000 funding for projects that meet the criteria.

Please contact MERI, if you have any questions.