University Authorship Policy Review – Feedback for Clause 5.4a

The University’s Authorship Policy is currently under review, and recently has been shared for University wide consultation. The working group expectantly received a significant amount of feedback regarding the dynamics between supervisors and graduate researchers, and the tendency for supervisors to be gifted authorship on papers. The suggestion was raised for an additional sub-clause to be included at 5.4a specifically highlighting supervision: 

5.4. Authorship should not be attributed solely on the basis of the provision of: 

a) supervision;

b) funding, data, materials, infrastructure or access to equipment; 

c) routine technical support; or 

d) technical advice or technical assistance.

Naturally, this clause is seeking to empower graduate researchers, and early career researchers more generally in the attribution of authorship. However, could also raise concern amongst supervisors and be seen as directly inhibiting attribution of authorship where supervision is involved. This however is not the intent- if the criteria for authorship as listed at 5.2 of the policy draft is fulfilled, then attribution of authorship is appropriate. The clause is written with the intent of directly highlighting common examples of inappropriate authorship attribution. 

Regarding this specific sub clause at 5.4a, what are your thoughts regarding its inclusion, and what, if any direct impacts this may have?

Please let AD GR know if you have any comments for consideration by the The Authorship Policy working group: