Continental Drift: Funding Collaborations to Connect with Europe

Day: 9 June, 2022

Tim 4.30-6pm

Venue: Alan Gilbert Level 5, Rm 564 (limit 50 attendees) or Zoom

Continental Drift: Funding Collaborations to Connect with Europe is designed to support our world-class researchers in understanding drivers of current and potential international collaborators in key European markets. The session will connect staff from funding bodies and institutions dedicated to connecting with Australian researchers. It will include an overview of funding opportunities from the European Commission, a conversation on funding in France and Germany, and plenty of Q&A time, followed by networking.

Register now for in person event with networking or zoom attendance options 

Special guest speakers include:

Opening remarks by Prof Justin Zobel, PVC (Graduate and International Research)

Nishant Shandilya, European Commission’s Euraxess contact for Australia/New Zealand

Jean-Paul TOUTAIN, Regional Director, CNRS Representative Office for OCEANIA

Dr Irina Herrschner, University of Bayreuth Manager, Gateway Office Melbourne

Dr Anders Wennstrom, Profectus Academy based in Sweden

Refreshments follow the event.

Note: Attendees to this session will have first preference for 12 slots available at a future session on Competitive Applications for an EU Audience (TBD, July).